Saturday, August 26, 2017

The Harangue-utan Hippy

My 22-year-old face contorted. My stomach churned and lurched as my mind tried to digest the simple idea that had just been presented to me.

"What do you mean you use cloth diapers? Cloth? As in: poop in it, wash it, and put it BACK on the baby?"

This simple suggestion is the one that started it all.

I was a student teacher. He was my cooperating teacher who, with  one nonchalant comment, changed my life.

Fast forward nine years. 

My significant other hails from the prairies of central Alberta. Thus he is called Prairie Boy. He is my sweet Canadian soulmate. He also has Rheumatoid Arthritis. He developed it in 1996 when he was 21-years-old. He and I have many things we enjoy together, but science and society documentaries are one of our favorites. After watching two particular documentaries, Forks Over Knives and Plant Pure Nation my life changed yet again.

"I want to go vegan. I am tired of swollen joints and pain. I want to heal my body."

The list of reasons that popped into my head of why going vegan was impossible or not a good idea rolled like waves on the ocean through my mind, one after the other. And yet, not one of those ideas held any significance when I looked into those determined blue eyes and held that disease marred hand. 

"Ok, let's do it."

And just like, my family became a multivore family. I had no idea that in a few months I would be a full on vegan as well. 

I began down a path that would change my life and the lives of my family and friends. The conversations, or rather the defensive conversations about how my family lives gave rise to some of the stories you'll find here. And the harangue-utan was born. I have always been a highly outspoken person, especially when it comes to causes or products I believe in, and I am even more outspoken about causes and products that do more harm than good to our world! I began to realize that other people are interested in this lifestyle as well. I get asked questions all the time about waste-free living, healthy eating on a shoe string budget, natural parenting, and environmental conservationism. And I love it! I love to share my ideas and my experiences. I hope that you will come to enjoy this blog as well. 

Not all of my experiences on this journey have been pleasant. Having an old lady at the grocery store ask me if I was part rabbit upon her examining my shopping cart contents or having the nursery workers at church try to negotiate the cloth diapers have been just a couple of times when our life came into stark contrast with mainstream America. That's ok too. Our differences have led to conversations, and conversations are just seeds being planted. I want to plant seeds with our stories. 

I have found a lot of similar blogs of stay-at-home moms who spend their days making homemade laundry soap and growing organic tomatoes in their perfectly composted container gardens all while giving out tips on how to make kale tasty. 

I am just not them. And while I bear them no judgment (do your own thing ladies!)  I can't be like them either. I am not some ultra-hippy. I make some trash, but I am always looking for ways to make less of it. I work outside of my home. In fact I am the sole bread winner for my family, and in my profession it ain't a lot of bread I'll tell you that! So living a green, waste-free lifestyle on a pitiful income is tough! I am a busy mom trying to do the best I can for me, my family, and the world we all share. 

I want to share some of what I know with you. What products do I invest (yes, invest) my money into? How do I reduce my household waste? Who are the unsung heroes making this world better? 

So stick around, and remember when civilized, eye-opening, persuasive conversation just doesn't get the message across...

when in doubt, fling it! 

 ♡ From The Wild Man & The Harangue-utan

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